Monday, March 29, 2004

USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll flip

What a turn of events! Was it the inept finger-pointing of Richard Clarke? The ads portraying Kerry (accurately) as a Washington flip-flopper? The series of self-inflicted Kerry gaffes?

In the first week of March, Kerry was beating Bush in a one-on-one matchup by 8%; the latest poll has Bush over Kerry by 4% - a huge 12% swing in less than one month.

More: on question #3, we find that likely voters who are “certain” to vote for Kerry dropped 5% while those certain to vote for Bush rose 6%. On question #6 we find President Bush’s favorable-unfavorable gap rising from 1% in early March to 9% (53% - 44%) in the latest poll.

I’m going to sleep well tonight.

What media bias update: as of this writing, there’s nothing on the CNN homepage.

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