Tuesday, March 30, 2004

That paragraph is complete fiction

Somebody in the Situation Room on 9/11 says that Clarke is just makin’ stuff up. From the NY Times: “Colleague of Ex-Official Disputes Part of Account

A senior national security official who worked alongside Richard A. Clarke on Sept. 11, 2001, is disputing central elements of Mr. Clarke's account of events in the White House Situation Room that day, declaring that it "is a much better screenplay than reality was."

The official, Franklin C. Miller, who acknowledges that he was often a bureaucratic rival of Mr. Clarke, said in an interview on Monday that almost none of the conversations that Mr. Clarke, who was the counterterrorism chief, recounts in the first chapter of his book, "Against All Enemies," match Mr. Miller's recollection of events.

This is just the start, now that the book is out.

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