Monday, March 29, 2004

Black gold, Texas tea, Al-Qaeda’s ATM

Ain’t that a shame? The Saudis are running out of oil (maybe). From a new Business Week article titled “Oil Shortage?

If Simmons is right [that Saudi oil fields are running dry], the Saudis could soon be in deep trouble. Their relations with the U.S. are already strained thanks to the participation of so many Saudis in the September 11 attacks. If it turns out they have much less oil than they claim, "the role of the kingdom would be completely devalued strategically," says Roger Diwan, a senior analyst at consultant PFC Energy in Washington. With no alternative to oil in sight for decades, the U.S. and other consuming nations would increasingly need to look to other sources, such as Russia or Iraq.

I’m not crazy about giving cash to the Russians, but they’re a damn sight better than “Terrorists ‘R’ Us.” And anything to help out Free Iraq is a plus.

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