Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Playing with fire

John Podhoretz: "The assassination wish fulfillment."
I wish he’d accepted the results of 2020, I wish he hadn’t done the things that helped inspire January 6, I wish he hadn’t made disgraceful moves in Senatorial races that gave his rivals enough control in Washington to pass ruinous and bad legislation, and I wish he had allowed the Republican party to move on and find new leadership. His presidential candidacy is an unhealthy thing for his party and his country, though it’s probably more a manifestation of the country’s ill political health than the cause of it.

But, dear God, would it be worse for us if these assassins had succeeded. And will it be worse for us if one were to succeed between now and election day, or after, should he win. So much worse, infinitely worse—because that event will tear the country to shreds. That’s not even remotely metaphorical.

So go ahead, Washington Post, say Trump’s golfing is the real threat. Go ahead, MSNBC and the Atlantic, say the real problem is Trump talking cruelly about migrants in Ohio. Go ahead and find excuses for a thing that cannot be allowed to happen. If we do reap the whirlwind from the fulfillment of your darkest desires, history will know whom to blame—not that it will matter, because the damage will have been done. 
I've believed that if Trump loses this election, it would open up the floodgates for ballot disqualification (the Colorado case) and bottomless lawfare.  Now I'm terrified it would open up eye-for-an-eye assassination as a now-normalized method of retribution.


Anonymous said...

Donald Trump has delighted his MAGA base with his violent rhetoric and demonization of opponents since the day he rode down that escalator 9 years ago. It’s the thing that has defined him.

From criminals and rapists in 2015 to I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT! in 2024, and the thousand hateful lies and stupid impulses and vile quotes in between. So common, it's called “Trump being Trump.”

Once again, Republicans call upon Democrats to simultaneously accept full blame and solve the problem caused by Republicans.

Notice that the flagrant lies and inflammatory attacks and civic depravity by Republicans are not the things that need to stop. It is “They” who must stop.

Exhibit Number Infinity: Donald Trump speaking to Fox News less than 2 days ago:

"Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country, and they are the ones that are destroying the country, both from the inside and out.”

Saying Democrats must end the rhetoric while adding to his own incessant inflammatory rhetoric within the same sentence.

It would be impressive if he weren’t an lawless racist toxin.

As for the perils of “reaping the whirlwind,” ask a Kool-Aid Republican and the root cause will always be… someone else. It's always Them. And the whirlwind will be the fault of anybody except the blowhard windbag himself.

Anonymous said...

Do you not see that your unprecedented frenzy to actually blame Trump for his own assassination is a very clear confession that you know your Party is trying to get him killed?

Anonymous said...

Outside of the cult, nobody is buying this self-affirming line of bull.

“They” aren’t They, they’re Yours. Both the first gunman and the second gunman were Republicans. But you're all in and mustn’t deviate from the script.

What’s the next phase of phony blame-shifting? The Democrats are the ones making terrorist bomb threats to elementary schools?

You’ve loved Trump's savage talk for almost a decade. Now you have to hope Trump’s chickens don’t come home to roost.

(P.S. You’re not an online influencer, and Webster’s Dictionary is not sending you a new check every time you type the word “frantic.”)

Anonymous said...

The frantic gaslighting continues.