Friday, September 20, 2024

No kidding

Reason: "Kamala Harris Is Not an Ideas Candidate - Columnists keep trying to find a coherent philosophy behind Harris' confused and contradictory policy agenda." 

Kamala Harris is Chance the Gardener

I finally remembered where I saw a politician like Kamala Harris.  She is exactly like Chance the Gardener from the 1979 movie "Being There."

But first, here's some context about our dimwit Vice President from Charles C.W. Cooke: "The Oprah Interview Eliminated All Pretense — the Press and Harris Are on the Same Side."
Cooke pointed out that the interview, in which Harris was asked how she would bring down prices, “really verged into metaphysical . . . almost poetry. And Winfrey sat there and said, ‘Yes, yes, mm, mm, mm, mm, yes, mm.’

“It’s absurd,” Cooke said. “I am aware by now that people are voting against, and that they are going to pretend, whether they’re Republicans or Democrats, that their candidate is therefore fine, but they’re not, they’re not fine. Kamala Harris is not an acceptable candidate for president of the United States. She can’t answer elementary questions. She can’t talk. And the reason that she can’t talk is because she can’t think. . . . The mouth follows the mind.

“There are lots of people in this country with whom I strongly disagree who are able to present their worldview in a manner that is comprehensible and even compelling. But she is not one of them.”
In the movie "Being There" an illiterate (actual) gardener - in an improbable turn of events - finds himself in the midst of the Washington political elite.  When asked for his opinion, he mouths words about there being "growth in the spring" which the President seizes on as a deep and optimistic analysis of the economic cycles.  Overnight, everybody in Washington hails him as a purveyor of wisdom and honest intelligence.

But he's a moron.  Only the maid who raised him knows his secret:
It's for sure a white man's world in America. Look here: I raised that boy since he was the size of a piss-ant. And I'll say right now, he never learned to read and write. No, sir. Had no brains at all. Was stuffed with rice pudding between th' ears. Shortchanged by the Lord, and dumb as a jackass. Look at him now! Yes, sir, all you've gotta be is white in America, to get whatever you want. Gobbledy-gook!
Well, 45 years after this movie came out, it's clear all you need to be is a Democrat to get away with this insipid vomiting of words.  The media won't say a thing about the rice pudding between Kamala's ears.

This vapid shell has done three interviews - if you can call Oprah's love-fest an interview - and she still can't answer the most basic questions about any subject. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Playing with fire

John Podhoretz: "The assassination wish fulfillment."
I wish he’d accepted the results of 2020, I wish he hadn’t done the things that helped inspire January 6, I wish he hadn’t made disgraceful moves in Senatorial races that gave his rivals enough control in Washington to pass ruinous and bad legislation, and I wish he had allowed the Republican party to move on and find new leadership. His presidential candidacy is an unhealthy thing for his party and his country, though it’s probably more a manifestation of the country’s ill political health than the cause of it.

But, dear God, would it be worse for us if these assassins had succeeded. And will it be worse for us if one were to succeed between now and election day, or after, should he win. So much worse, infinitely worse—because that event will tear the country to shreds. That’s not even remotely metaphorical.

So go ahead, Washington Post, say Trump’s golfing is the real threat. Go ahead, MSNBC and the Atlantic, say the real problem is Trump talking cruelly about migrants in Ohio. Go ahead and find excuses for a thing that cannot be allowed to happen. If we do reap the whirlwind from the fulfillment of your darkest desires, history will know whom to blame—not that it will matter, because the damage will have been done. 
I've believed that if Trump loses this election, it would open up the floodgates for ballot disqualification (the Colorado case) and bottomless lawfare.  Now I'm terrified it would open up eye-for-an-eye assassination as a now-normalized method of retribution.

Why so happy, Joe?

Here's Dementia Joe's statement after the latest assassination attempt on Trump:
President Biden departing the White House commented on the second assassination attempt made on Donald Trump.

Before departing on Marine One, Biden said ‘thank god the president is ok.’
This you?

Why aren't you upset, Joe, that this threat to democracy and all the freedoms we cherish escaped another assassination attempt?  You've been spreading this rhetoric for years and Kamala repeated the exact same false allegations in the debate.

Let's face it: They Want Him Dead

Sunday, September 15, 2024

The DEI grift is very lucrative

Daily Wire: "‘Am I Racist?’ Opens As Third-Highest Grossing Film In The Country."

I saw "Am I Racist?" last night and it was good.  I had some minor quibbles (e.g. I wish he had let the people in the roundtable meeting talk more before he got thrown out for interrupting) but overall it was a pretty entertaining piece of social commentary.

One thing that absolutely blew me away was the amount of money these race grifters are charging for "consulting" or an interview.  The mother whose kids were ignored by a Sesame Street character (likely inadvertently) got 50-large for a sit-down with Walsh.

Not a typo.  At least they got $30 back from Robin Diangelo.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

ABC News: "Sounds good to me!"

Friday, September 13, 2024

Word salad city

Please watch this Kamala interview! declares the Trump campaign.  Red State: "WATCH: Kamala Harris Completely Bombs Her First Solo Interview."

Ten minutes with a local Philadelphia reporter and she still couldn't clear the bar. 

Black jobs

Red State: "Joe Biden Laughably Hoist With Own Petard During Bumbling Remarks at Black Excellence Brunch."

If you're not sure what a "black job" is, here's a helpful list from the Grio, who will be issuing an angry denunciation of Biden's remarks any moment now.

Debate fallout for ABC News

Ace: "Former Clinton Advisor Mark Penn: ABC "News" Should Submit to a Full Third-Party Investigation to Determine If They Schemed to Fact-Check Only Trump."

Nothing, of course, will come of this investigation despite "assurances" from ABC to Kamala that the debate would be to her liking.  What's much more likely is that we'll never again see a Presidential debate on a mainstream media network.  Republicans have been burnt by this scam too many times.

If there are debates on a network, it will 100% come with a stipulation that the moderators can ask questions and otherwise keep their g-ddamned mouths shut. 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

U.S. hits a new benchmark

Breitbart: "Interest on U.S. debt tops $1 trillion for the first time."

I'm done talking about this because nobody in Washington ever faces any consequences for putting spending on the credit card.  The sad fact is that the Federal government is now spending a cool trillion dollars every year for...nothing.  Not a shiny new battleship, not a program, not an interstate highway.

Trolling level: Expert

Daily Wire: "DEI Activists Delete X Accounts Ahead Of ‘Am I Racist?’ Premiere - New Matt Walsh doc hits theaters on Friday, September 13." 

Christian Toto gives it a rave review.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Some canned answers would have helped Trump

Me, last night: "Did he do any debate prep?"

We’ve now had two presidential debates, and at neither one has Trump managed to say one specific thing about his economy (the stock market was up and inflation was low don’t really count). He hasn’t deployed one figure about how real wages were up in his first three years and have been stagnant under Biden-Harris — perhaps the best argument for himself. It’s all been foggy generalities.

Same on immigration, his signature issue. All he ever says is that millions of people are coming in, they commit crimes, and foreign countries are emptying their jails — over and over.

He never makes any arguments that are designed to convince anyone or that connect outcomes in his administration to his specific polices.
Trey Gowdy is right: this was a "Land of Missed Opportunities."  The very first thing Trump should have said on the economy question was a prepared response like: "When I left office, inflation was 1.4% and now four years later, after spiking to 9%, inflation is costing Americans 20% more for everything from bread to shampoo."  Solid, specific, and relevant to the concerns of Americans.  Instead, brother, I can't even remember what he said except for the Haitians eating cats.

I feel like his debate prep was "we'll wing it - it'll be fine."

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Kamala won the debate

Are we going to pretend otherwise?  Yes, she lied several times and never answered several questions but she also effectively baited Trump who took the bait every time.  Kamala's answers were canned speeches, regurgitated on cue, but they were delivered with a smooth aplomb.  She had a plan to repeat her teleprompter speech and followed that plan.

Trump's responses were unstructured and unfocused, bouncing from one topic to another.  He had so many opportunities to push Kamala on her non-existent policies but couldn't stick the landing.  Trump got a question on immigration and - instead of driving home his most potent issue - he went into a diatribe about rally sizes.  Because of his ego.  Did he do any debate prep?

What's the point of complaining about the bias of ABC News?  (For example, they did the Candy Crowley to save Kamala early on but let the "very fine people" hoax pass without mention.)  All Republicans should assume that the mainstream media is going to put their thumb on the scale and prepare accordingly.

Will this change the trajectory of the race?  I dunno but I can see how some Americans would take a second look at Kamala.  Which is terrible news. 

Fight night!

Red State: "Kamala Harris Is Still Refusing Unscripted Interviews - Why? To Hide Her Insecurity and Incompetence."

There's some chatter and polls showing that Americans think Kamala will "win" the debate tonight.  If so, this would be the greatest rope-a-dope in political history.  Instead, Occam's razor applies: Kamala will fail in a public arena because she regularly fails in the public arena.  For example, after her disastrous interview with Lester Holt, Kamala didn't do another interview for an entire year.  Now we're supposed to expect her to spring to life?  Good luck with all that. 

Afterthought - What's the over/under for Kamala to shoehorn in an "I'm speaking" moment?  I'm guessing 20 minutes.

Also - Trump should come out, act confused, and ask: "Where's Joe?"

Monday, September 09, 2024

Clear as mud

Another magazine broken by Trump

Twitchy: "Check Out The Atlantic Cover Meant to Make Donald Trump Seem Scary, but Makes Him Look Badass Instead."

Show me on this doll where Donald Trump hurt you, Atlantic.  Sheesh, another magazine that I used to subscribe to has succumbed completely to TDS.

Sunday, September 08, 2024

Say nothing

Federalist: "Harris And Walz Avoiding The Press Isn’t A Savvy Campaign Strategy — They’re Just Cowards - Even The New York Times thinks Kamala Harris’ answers are ‘vague’ and ‘vacuous’ — why is someone this scared of opening her mouth running for president?

Wow, the Boston Globe published this?

Boston Globe: "Admit it, Democrats — Greg Abbott was right about the border - The Texas governor warned that President Biden’s lax border policies were unsustainable. Now, as Massachusetts and other blue states buckle under the costs of migrant housing, he’s been vindicated." 

Acknowledging the administration had the power all along to stop the flow:
But for blue state leaders to now act like the Biden administration had no agency, beyond being able to provide funding to struggling states and cities, allowed the administration to dodge accountability for too long. That the administration announced an executive order in June limiting asylum claims, which has been followed by lower numbers at the border, proves it does have agency — and did all along.

The past year could have been, and could still be, a reality check for Democratic leaders away from the border. What Abbott did by shipping migrants to blue states on buses — a distasteful stunt — did expose the hypocrisy of Democrats who expected border states to be endlessly welcoming but weren’t prepared to write blank checks themselves.
Who's the racist now?

Hunter awaits Papa's pardon

Fox News: "Hunter Biden pleads guilty to all nine federal tax charges brought by special counsel David Weiss."

Hunter tried to make an Alford plea but the prosecution wasn't going for that so he entered a guilty plea for all counts.  If you're wondering why Hunter didn't try to negotiate a plea deal, Andrew McCarthy explains what's going on:
First, Hunter’s move is rational only if he knows he is getting a pardon. The tax indictment charges him with multiple counts that, if memory serves, could run to 17 years of imprisonment. A normal defendant engages in plea negotiations in order to minimize his potential penal exposure — you offer to plead guilty to a count or two, and the government agrees to dismiss the rest of the charges, and your potential imprisonment is capped. That’s not what Hunter is doing. He’s saying he’ll plead guilty to all charges. He can only be doing that because he’s playing with the house money — he knows he’s not going to prison, so he doesn’t need to worry about capping his potential sentence.
There is zero chance that Dementia Joe will keep his promise not to pardon Hunter.  Sentencing is December 16th which means he'll be home for Christmas although Joe might wait until January 19th just to maintain some suspense.  

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

The Left hates free speech

David Harsanyi: "Kamala Harris’s banana republic on free speech"
In 2019, Vice President Kamala Harris told CNN’s Jake Tapper that social media companies “are directly speaking to millions and millions of people without any level of oversight or regulation and it has to stop.”

Does it?

Every two-bit authoritarian in history has justified censoring its citizens as a way of protecting them from the menace of disinformation.
If there's free speech, somebody might ask Kamala about her policies.  Can't have that.

Extra - Powerline: "Free speech for her."  Not for you.

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Monday, September 02, 2024

Switchblades and nunchucks for all

Reason: "Massachusetts Switchblade Ban Overturned on Second Amendment Grounds = The Second Amendment doesn’t protect guns; it protects the human right to self-defense." 

Kamala won't debate

Kurt Schlichter: "Dodging The Debate Would Be Smart Because Kamala Isn’t"
But putting that aside, Kamala has got a problem. It’s a big problem. She’s not very smart. The only thing she is smart about is knowing that she’s not smart. She knows enough not to speak extemporaneously. She knows enough not to be interviewed. And I suspect she knows enough not to debate.
I only learned yesterday that the Harris campaign has not officially agreed to the ABC News debate with Trump because they don't agree to the muted-mic rule.  Looks like they're keeping this in the back pocket as a pretense to back out.  So much for the "say it to my face" bravado.

This is what happens when the media treats you with kid gloves and invents a persona that is far from the truth.  Because when Kamala crashes into Trump, he's not going to her to weasel out of her past statements, flip-flops, and horrible record particularly as Border Czar.  Interviews and press conferences steel a candidate for debates but Kamala won't do those either.

Disclaimer: I was wrong about Biden dropping out of the debate but I was really right.

Sure, let's keep talking about Afghanistan

Powerline: "The Democrats swing and miss"
If the Democrats were smart, they would avoid like the plague any reference to Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. It was universally, and correctly, seen as a debacle, and the Afghanistan fiasco precipitated a drop in Biden’s approval ratings from which he never recovered. Normal observers see that the current controversy was stirred up by the Democrats in hopes of political gain. The controversy, kept alive by Democrats, mostly serves to remind voters of one of the Biden/Harris administration’s worst failures, and to tie that failure more securely to Kamala Harris.
Let's juxtapose the videos from the Gold Star families with Biden checking his wristwatch.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

All they do is lie and cover

Red State: "Tom Cotton Takes Down NBC News Anchor After She Shamelessly Lies Defending Kamala Harris."
COTTON: You know who those families also invited? Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Where were they? Joe Biden was sitting at a beach. Kamala Harris was sitting at her mansion in Washington, DC. She was four miles away. Ten minutes. She could've gone to the cemetery and honor the sacrifice of those young men and women, but she hasn't. She never has spoken to them or taken a meeting with them. 

WELKER: Well, they did meet with them during the dignified transfer. They were with them during the dignified transfer. 

COTTON: It is because of her and Joe Biden's incompetence that those 13 Americans were killed in Afghanistan.

Surprise surprise: another media "mistake" that only and always go in one direction.  Every day in the mainstream media is "Hunter's laptop is a Russian plant" day.