Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Fight night!

Red State: "Kamala Harris Is Still Refusing Unscripted Interviews - Why? To Hide Her Insecurity and Incompetence."

There's some chatter and polls showing that Americans think Kamala will "win" the debate tonight.  If so, this would be the greatest rope-a-dope in political history.  Instead, Occam's razor applies: Kamala will fail in a public arena because she regularly fails in the public arena.  For example, after her disastrous interview with Lester Holt, Kamala didn't do another interview for an entire year.  Now we're supposed to expect her to spring to life?  Good luck with all that. 

Afterthought - What's the over/under for Kamala to shoehorn in an "I'm speaking" moment?  I'm guessing 20 minutes.

Also - Trump should come out, act confused, and ask: "Where's Joe?"


  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    How can Kamala fail when she's not going to show up?

  2. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Afterthought - What's the over/under for Kamala to shoehorn in an "I'm speaking" moment? I'm guessing 20 minutes.

    (1) Harris did not do this.
    (2) Trump did do this.
    (3) After getting beaten, Trump is the one making noise about backing out of future debates.

    But those flop predictions are still less embarrassing than "Kari Lake, Our Awesome Next President."
