Saturday, September 07, 2024

Wow, the Boston Globe published this?

Boston Globe: "Admit it, Democrats — Greg Abbott was right about the border - The Texas governor warned that President Biden’s lax border policies were unsustainable. Now, as Massachusetts and other blue states buckle under the costs of migrant housing, he’s been vindicated." 

Acknowledging the administration had the power all along to stop the flow:
But for blue state leaders to now act like the Biden administration had no agency, beyond being able to provide funding to struggling states and cities, allowed the administration to dodge accountability for too long. That the administration announced an executive order in June limiting asylum claims, which has been followed by lower numbers at the border, proves it does have agency — and did all along.

The past year could have been, and could still be, a reality check for Democratic leaders away from the border. What Abbott did by shipping migrants to blue states on buses — a distasteful stunt — did expose the hypocrisy of Democrats who expected border states to be endlessly welcoming but weren’t prepared to write blank checks themselves.
Who's the racist now?


  1. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Anna Giaritelli:
    NEW: Public records obtained by DC Examiner reveal that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's migrant busing effort cost the state's taxpayers $221 million.

    Aaron Reichlin-Melnick:
    That's roughly $1,841 per person. By comparison, a bus ticket to New York costs about $215, while a flight costs about $350.

    It would have WAY cheaper to just give migrants money for tickets. Abbott's effort not only made it a political stunt, it lined a contractor's pocket.

    I’m sure it was funneled to a partner business just like the shoddy border wall's fraudulent contractor in Arizona.

    Leo Dan:
    Oof! Abbott shoulda put that $$$ into the Texas electric grid. What a loser. Plus immigrants actually are a net positive to the economy which is now lost.

    1. Anonymous5:49 PM

      Wait until you find out about the ongoing costs now being suffered by the communities to whom Abbott has gifted those criminal aliens. I think he got himself a bargain.

  2. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Your boner is not a bargain. Wait till you find out that sanctuary cities received $2.26 billion in 2023. Plus hundreds of millions more, paid out this past April.

    The 2025 sanctuary spending will be even better, when there's no tax on tips!

    1. Anonymous10:36 AM

      If only your $2.26 billion and hundreds of millions more were anything but a drop in the bucket of what New York City alone needs for this "net positive" crisis, let alone the rest of the sanctuary states and cities.

      Mayor Eric Adams:
      "Never in my life have I had a problem that I did not see an ending to — I don't see an ending to this. This issue will destroy New York City...Every community in this city is going to be impacted. We have a $12 billion deficit that we're going to have to cut — every service in this city is going to be impacted. All of us."

  3. Anonymous2:48 AM

    "Tell me you don't live anywhere near New York City without saying you don't live anywhere near New York City.”

    Someone's not familiar with flagrant bullshitter Eric Adams, who always cries poor when he wants to cut the money for schools and parks and libraries and disabled services and child care and affordable housing and HIV/AIDS programs and universal pre-K.

    Yet Eric Adams always manages to find large wads of money to overfund his police department. The cops' budget has gone up $475 million since 2023. And overtime pay — not included — exploded from $4 million to $155 million in just one year). Raining green on the blue has not been popular, and has received bad press. Police spokesmen have been cursing at reporters, and a New York Post writer was ejected from an NYPD press conference.

    Adams has also made a deal to install gun scanners on the subway. Each scanner costs $125,000. But the New York subways have THOUSANDS of entrances, and thousands and thousands and thousands of turnstiles. And passengers may refuse to be scanned.

    But subway crime has gone down, not up. At least a contractor is set to get a sweet payday, even if the purposeless and impossible scanner program winds up getting nixed.

    NYC’s Independent Budget Office has openly scoffed at Adams’ fanciful debt claims. And the City Council refused to approve the bogus spreadsheet he submitted. Adams was forced to cave. Because nobody but nobody believes Adams’ fiscal numbers.

    But maybe Adams isn’t bad at math. Maybe he’s just distracted because the FBI keeps raiding the homes of his top aides, cronies and city officials. It must be hard for a mayor to correctly count to $12 billion after the FBI seizes the mayor’s cell phone.

    1. Anonymous10:03 AM

      Did I wake up this morning in some Bizarro world where you speak about Democrats as if they're Republicans?

      Still, I suppose Adams deserved it for trashing your "net positive" delusion.

  4. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Net positive is your chosen term, darling, not mine. A term which you won't apply to Gov. Greg Abbott's migrant rent-a-ride service.

    Your amazement is misplaced. I have no problem calling a crooked (and stupid) piece of crap like Eric Adams a crooked and stupid piece of crap, just because he's a Democrat. Why would I?

    And I have no problem calling Donald Trump a vile, malignant criminal. Why can't you?

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      Oh, it's too late to try to disown your broadcast of "net positive". It's not, of course, too late to regret it.

  5. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Why can't you call Donald Trump a vile, malignant criminal?

    Conversely, why don't you deny it?

    1. Anonymous10:00 AM

      Why would I want to lie about Trump?

  6. Anonymous3:56 PM

    ...when it's so much more comforting to lie to yourself.

  7. Anonymous2:47 PM

    You know what we're not seeing? Conservatives speaking out in the defense of Democratic mayor Eric Adams being viciously "lawfared" by a "weaponized" "banana republic."

    His term is up next year, too, which makes it "election interference."

    So hard to see what's behind the Republican fury gap.
