Sunday, August 18, 2024

"Oh yeah, she's awful"

Red State: "Biden's Former Chief of Staff Admits Kamala Harris Vice Presidency Was a Failure."

The DNC starts tomorrow and remember this one fact: if it wasn't for the debate, the Democrats and the mainstream media were going to cover for Dementia Joe all the way to Election Day.  Now, due to election fund transfer rules, they're stuck with their DEI hire and they need to pretend she's up to the job.

The Queen of Word Salads can't do an interview or press conference but we're supposed to pretend she can be Commander-in-Chief.  C'mon, man.


  1. Anonymous11:46 PM

    DEI = Don Jr., Eric, Ivanka

  2. Anonymous12:01 AM

    the mainstream media were going to cover for Dementia Joe all the way to Election Day.

    Your "boo hoo my feelings" conjecture is particularly lame, given that the mainstream media was already all in on Biden's lapses and decline, while largely giving Trump a pass on his conspicuous and simultaneous decline.

    Cheer up. The 2028 election has a pretty good Senate map for Republicans.

  3. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Since the mainstream media was already all in on Biden's lapses and decline, how come you weren't?
