Sunday, August 18, 2024

It was a coup and MoDo is OK with that

This Maureen Dowd article is making the rounds: "The Dems Are Delighted. But a Coup Is Still a Coup."
It wasn’t exactly “Julius Caesar” in Rehoboth Beach. But it was a tectonic shift and, of course, there were going to be serious reverberations. Even though it was the right thing to do, because Joe Biden was not going to be able to campaign, much less serve as president for another four years, in a fully vital way, it was a jaw-dropping putsch.
Yeah but ultimately we find that Maureen Dowd is totally fine with the subversion of democracy as long as we can stop Trump.  When you've decided that your opponent cannot be afforded any of the rights and expectations of a fair fight then anything goes.

It was a coup?  Oh, that's too bad but Trump.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:13 PM

    You've made your peace with the events of January 6. And now you angrily think that Biden choosing to quit the race is a "subversion of democracy" and a "coup."

    You share this schizophrenic view with many Trump supporters and unprincipled seditionists (but I repeat myself).
