Saturday, May 11, 2024

Architects of their own destruction

Don Surber: "We don't want journalism back"
Do we really want the dingbats and dingleberries that Kahn described as the people who decide what is news and what the facts are? When I was a youngun, a wise newspaperman explained to me that the power of the press belongs to the man who owns the presses. NYT and the rest abused that power. We will not give it back to them.

Thus the answer to Taibbi’s question “Is Journalism Back?” is no. Journalists abandoned objectivity. Readers have decided that they do not want the journalists back.
The largest paper in Western Massachusetts has not run a single editorial with Joe Biden as the topic in an entire year.  For four years, every week (at least) the same paper inveighed against Orange Man Bad.


Anonymous said...

Maybe that's because the largest paper in Western Massachusetts correctly evaluated that Trump at his best is far, far, far, far, far, far, far worse than Biden at his worst. I may have left out a few fars.

Anonymous said...

Donald Trump, today, verbatim quote:

“We’re going to evict this man, the worst president by far. Jimmy Connors is the [head twitch] Jimmy, skk, Jimmy Connors is gooda, these are also happen [very long pause] Jimmieeee is a very happy man, both of um, because you know what? They want him out. Jimmy Carter, had a bad reputation. Right now he is considered a totally brilliant president by comparison. Right now he is a totally brilliant president by comparison.”

Can we please have 17 debates?