Monday, April 15, 2024

Day 1 in Trump's banana-republic show trial

Is anybody honest taking this travesty seriously?

Not the L.A. Times: "Why it’s hard to muster even a ‘meh’ over Trump’s New York criminal trial" - "But any voters who look beneath the surface are sure to be underwhelmed. Calling it election interference actually cheapens the term and undermines the deadly serious charges in the real election interference cases."

Reason: "Alvin Bragg Says Trump Tried To Conceal 'Another Crime.' What Crime? - The leading possibilities are all problematic in one way or another."

And Jonathan Turley says it's actually New York's legal system on trial:
Lawyers have been scouring the civil and criminal codes for any basis to sue or prosecute Trump before the upcoming 2024 election. This week will highlight the damage done to New York’s legal system because of this unhinged crusade. They’ve charged him with everything short of ripping a label off a mattress.

Just a few weeks ago, another judge imposed a roughly half billion dollar penalty in a case without a single victim who lost a single cent on loans with Trump. (Indeed, bank officials testified they wanted more business with the Trump organization).

Now Bragg is bringing a case that has taken years to develop and millions of dollars in litigation costs for all parties. That is all over a crime from before the 2016 election that is a misdemeanor under state law that had already expired under the statute of limitations.
Other than an expired statute of limitations and the lack of definition of an actual crime, it's an airtight case.  It's obvious there's one law for Trump and another for everybody else.


  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    "Banana republic" has an actual definition, you know. It doesn't mean "Grrrr!!"

    But at least the distrusted media isn't "garbage" when they say something you like. They'll be horrible again tomorrow.

    Calling it election interference actually cheapens the term and undermines the deadly serious charges in the real election interference cases."

    ....which you also think is the work of a banana republic. And that Trump should get off scot-free for his "deadly serious" election interference because the prosecutor did the humpty-hump.

  2. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Trump appears to fall asleep in court on first day of N.Y. hush money trial

    Chris Hayes:
    "I mean, I feel like if you call your opponent Sleepy Joe, you have one job."
