Sunday, April 14, 2024

Biden won't debate

Hot Air: "News Organizations Push for Biden and Trump to Debate"
There isn't a lot of confidence in Joe Biden agreeing to debate Donald Trump at this point. Joe Biden can't get through a speech or press conference anymore. He has notecards from staff to remind him what he is doing and the names of the people he is dealing with. The notecards for a press conference include a list of reporters with whom to call on and their photos so Biden can recognize them. Often there are reports that the reporters submitted their questions in advance. That allows the staff to provide answers that allow Biden to just read the answers.
Dementia Joe hasn't had an official press conference since 2022 and it's been almost 300 days since he's sat down for an interview with a reputable news source.  (Well, it was MSNBC, but close enough).


  1. Anonymous6:46 AM

    You certainly commit to a premise, like Elmer Fudd feeling MORE determined after his rifle goes off in his face.

    Viking Pundit, August 13, 2020
    Just another sign that Joe won't debate

    The unshocking twist: It was Donald Trump who refused to take part in the second Biden debate, after having lost the first debate.

    And that lose-and-run failure was before Trump started regularly slurring his words.

    In fact, Trump has ducked 5 of his last 6 campaign debates.

    Trump says he's eager to debate Biden "anywhere, anytime." He also says he's innocent of all his crimes, and that his prosecutors are the ones committing the crimes. Trump says he would be proud to go to jail. He says he won the 2020 election, including winning all 50 states. Trump says Democrats are "executing" newborn babies after the 9th month. He says a lot of preposterous lies.

  2. Anonymous10:25 AM

    All they need to do is put a large screen iPad Pro and they can feed Joey the answers - in large type even!

    Admittedly there is still the problem with the transition from seeing to actually coming out of the mouth which he regularly screws up... but hey, that Joey! Obama was certainly right on the money with his observation that "Joe Biden can screw anything up!"

  3. Anonymous1:07 PM

    It will be nice to watch Trump debate the moderators while Joe shuffles off to sniff the kids back stage.

  4. Anonymous3:50 PM

    I agree, it will be nice if the extra crispy chicken shows up after ducking 5 out of 6 debates.

    MAGA rallies are filled with Trump’s slurs, and also with Trump’s slurs.

    The Great Communicator, this past Saturday:

    "Crazy, really? Just last week it was reported that an illegal adlinurthin, and you just look at thisss, what's happening."

    Legalize adlinurthin!

    Until then, "We are a nation that just recently heard that Saudi Arabia and Russia will ree bee durr... ahhhh."

  5. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Mark Hamill (aka Luke Skywalker):

    My favorite part of any of Trump's frequent verbal catastrophes is always: the recovery. That moment right after the wipeout when he doubles down & assertively continues with all the Pee-Wee Herman "I meant to do that!" energy he can muster. 🤣

    Greg Cantwell (no relation to Star Wars):

    It's like he has a stockpile of random phrases cued up for when his brain glitches. He'll grab one while his cerebrum reboots, and then coo, "So true, so true," or, "Can you believe that? Nobody can believe it."

    Many people are saying Trump is having mental spasms, the likes of which we've never seen before.
