Sunday, April 07, 2024

Bringing on WWIII

CNN: "US preparing for significant Iran attack on US or Israeli assets in the region as soon as next week."

Conflict in the Mideast always leads to supply chain disruptions in the oil industry, so it's a good thing we refilled the Strategic Petroleum Reserve after draining it in 2022 for the midterms.


  1. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Joey Biden needs a war so he can claim that "We shouldn't change horses in mid-stream!" to try to get him reelected.

  2. Anonymous11:17 PM

    If only America -- the world's #1 self-producer of oil by a margin of over 400 million barrels -- had the ability to acquire extra oil if needed.

    Kevin "Red Wave" McCarthy would still be Speaker if Biden hadn't released that oil. And Mike Johnson can't feel too good about it.
