Monday, April 08, 2024

"Are you kidding me?"

Here's Jonathan Turley in the NY Post: "Judge calls out blatant double standard when it comes to Biden’s Justice Department and Hunter"
US District Judge Ana Reyes slammed the DOJ for stonewalling Congress on the subpoenas while imprisoning figures like former Trump adviser Peter Navarro for doing the same thing.

The Biden administration has blocked the testimony of prosecutors Mark Daly and Jack Morgan, who were involved in an inexplicable decision of the Justice Department to allow major felonies against Hunter Biden to lapse.

In prior hearings, IRS whistleblowers testified that they had an agreement on the table to extend the statute of limitations on the crimes, but special counsel David Weiss allowed the period to lapse without any explanation. Since the DOJ was in the midst of plea negotiations, it made no sense that the DOJ would simply kill potential charges.
Remember that the Biden DOJ tried to sweep this whole thing under the rug with a sweetheart plea deal that was squashed by a judge who was paying attention.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:00 PM

    Subpoena-er and subpoena-ee 1/6 Congressman Jim Jordan serves as the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.
