Monday, March 11, 2024

Unraveling the cover-up

National Review: "Exclusive: Jim Jordan Threatens to Hold FBI Director in Contempt over Hunter Biden Laptop Story."

Here's more from the (paywalled) NRO article over at Ace:
"During her transcribed interview, Ms. Dehmlow revealed that the same FBI personnel who were warning social media companies about a potential Russian 'hack and leak' operation in the lead-up to the 2020 election knew that the laptop belonging to Hunter Biden was not Russian disinformation," the letter reads.

"After the New York Post published a story based on the contents of the laptop about Biden family influence peddling, the FBI made the institutional decision to refuse to answer direct questions from social media companies about the laptop's authenticity," the letter adds.

IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley, an IRS agent with years of experience on the Hunter Biden tax case, testified to the House Ways and Means Committee last year that the FBI verified the authenticity of the contents of Hunter Biden's laptop in November 2019.
They knew.  But tell me the story again, Papa, about how the government was almost overthrown by a bunch of middle-age guys with selfie sticks.


  1. Anonymous3:59 AM

    "A bunch of middle-aged guys with selfie sticks." What is there to say? You're lost, man.

    Back here on planet Earth, Donald Trump just had his lawsuit against Christopher Steele and his intelligence company thrown out of court. Trump must now pay Steele $382,000.

  2. Anonymous4:02 AM

    Or rather, the Republican National Committee will have to pay Steele $382,000.

  3. Anonymous5:40 PM

    From this to this in just 3 years:

    Jan 6, 2021: "Absolutely disgraceful
    I'm just getting caught up with the events of today but there's no proper response except disgust and revulsion at this third-world behavior in the world's oldest democracy. Apparently Trump incited the crowd to march on Congress and the blame largely lies with him.

    I'm not going to engage in equivocation like some others. And, yes, I thought Trump's bluster after losing the election - which I acknowledged on election day - was mostly empty sore-loser hot air. I figured we would just have to listen to these hallow complaints for a month and then he'd be gone. But, instead, Trump confirmed all the dictatorial and anti-democratic criticisms aimed against him and then distanced himself when it all went sideways. Inauguration Day can't come soon enough."

    Mar 11, 2024: "But tell me the story again, Papa, about how the government was almost overthrown by a bunch of middle-age guys with selfie sticks."

    Now we're seeing middle-age guys without self-respect.
