Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Vroom vroom! BrrrrRRRRRRRR!!!!

Twitchy: "The Adults Are Back in Charge: Transcript Shows Biden Made CAR NOISES During Interview With Robert Hur."

It's not dementia...he's fine.


  1. Anonymous2:19 AM

    The transcript also shows Robert Hur praised Joe Biden's "photographic understanding and recall."

    The transcript also includes Biden stating the correct date of his son's death.

    Transcripts >>>>> narratives.

    Maybe, if any of us live to be as gruesomely ancient as Joe Biden, we'll someday see a non-Republican run one of these sorts of federal investigations.

  2. Community Notes10:36 AM

    Readers added context they thought people might want to know

    Hur's comment about President Biden having "a photographic understanding and recall", was not a characterization of his testimony in general, but only referred to a description of his own home.

    Although President Biden recalled the month and day of his son's death, the transcript shows that an aide had to inform him that the year Beau died was 2015. Biden then asked if that was the correct year.

    The transcript shows that Biden subsequently asked if Trump was elected in November of 2017.

    After Hur's report was released noting that Biden did not remember the date of his son's death, Biden indignantly lashed out at Hur for daring to ask about such a personal and painful topic. Hur, however, never asked anything about the tragic death; Biden brought the topic up entirely of his own initiative.



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  3. Anonymous12:21 AM

    Hypocritical Context:
    It's a little too late for you to play the "purposely misrepresenting the conversation" card. Not after breaking out the lube for "sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

    Whoops Context:
    Robert Hur tied himself into knots at the hearing and would not directly answer when asked whether he'd said Biden had a photographic understanding and recall. The independent investigator knew that confirming his contradictory (and verbatim) statement would reflect on his bad faith.

    Comparative Context:
    The transcript showed Biden to be 85 times more cognitively fit than any random Trump rally speech.

    "Vroom vroom! BrrrrRRRRRRRR!!!!"


    Ironic Context:
    There are now Republicans complaining that the Biden transcript should NOT have been released (!!!). Because yet another Republican House hearing left the GOP looking like Elmer Fudd after the rifle backfired.

  4. unAnonymous5:50 PM

    Strangely, I can't find any examples of Republicans now "complaining that the Biden transcript should NOT have been released (!!!)".

    Can you provide any names or other guidance on this development?

  5. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Your Google crashed again? Let me help. You could begin with video from the hearing itself, in which GOP Rep. Dan Bishop criticizes the transcript release.

    Bad timing, he says. And he's not wrong. The release spoiled the intended vibes of the event.

  6. unAnonymous9:06 AM

    Here's Bishop with those remarks.

    He notes that the DOJ was releasing the transcript on the very day of the Hur hearing, and quite reasonably remarks that the timing "impacts our ability to evaluate your report and ask you questions about it," and wondering if Hur himself influenced that particular timing.

    The day before the hearing, he was asking why the DOJ hadn't already turned the transcript over, saying, "Time for answers."

    That's not "complaining that the Biden transcript should NOT have been released (!!!)".

    You're going to have to do better. Much better.

  7. Anonymous5:19 PM

    In other words, Rep. Bishop was complaining that the transcript should NOT have been released.

    Which is entirely understandable. The battle plan going into the hearing was to hammer on Biden's skull using Hur's inapposite characterization. But the arrival of the actual Biden transcript ruined that plan.

    One notes that the Democrats received the transcript at the same moment as the Republicans received it. And they did a far better job of reading and quoting the transcript on short notice.

    Had the contents of the transcript reinforced Republican wishes, Republicans might have used the document just as well as the Democrats did. Or better. But alas, that was not to be.

    Rep. Bishop would have gladly received a supportive "senile Biden" transcript as he was walking into the chamber, or at three hours into the hearing. But no such supportive transcript exists.

    One also notes that in the three days since, the Republicans have scored zero political points using the Biden transcript. Even with all that extra reading time they yearned for.

  8. unAnonymous9:35 AM

    Wow, it's a stunner to think that Bishop was literally the best (and ONLY(!!!)) example you could come up with to support your irresponsible statement. And your twisting of his meaning was epically lame.

    So much for "There are now Republicans complaining that the Biden transcript should NOT have been released (!!!)."

    My work here is done.

  9. Anonymous2:41 PM

    Bravo, Elmer Fudd. If you don't congratulate yourself, who will?


    Another day, another 24 hours of failing to gain any advantage whatever from the Biden transcript release that was supposedly so badly wanted.

    Quite the opposite!
