Thursday, March 21, 2024

The media is gonna bias

ICYMI: Google stealth-edited the definition of "bloodbath" to stick it to Trump.  Keep it up, clowns.


  1. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Trump said what he said. And deconstructionist revisionism won't undo what he said. Very fine people would know that.

    When you're explaining, you're losing.

  2. unAnonymous3:30 PM

    If Google felt confident that Trump's intent in using the "bloodbath" term was what the Democrats yearn for it to have been, the search giant wouldn't have compulsively removed all other meanings of the term from their official definition.

    When you're scrambling, you're losing.

    If Anonymous had confidence that Trump had that intent, he would have made the case with a better argument than "Trump said what he said."

    When you're argument-less, you're losing.

  3. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Scrubbing Trump's verbatim "bloodbath" threat into being a problem for... the scrambling left!

    Those twisted gymnastics belong at Cirque de Soleil.

    Q: When has the right ever succeeded in convincing the non-MAGA public that Donald Trump didn't really exactly quite say the horrible thing he just said? Examples?

  4. unAnonymous6:27 PM

    When has the right ever succeeded in convincing the non-MAGA public...

    I'm going to tell you a secret. Outside of drama queen manipulators like yourself, no one really cares that Trump used a word that is very commonly used in political speech, so no convincing of the public is necessary.

    Trust me. No one cares.

  5. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Yup, no successful examples provided. What a surprise.

    That match-the-word video is awesomely pathetic. And the clips are so analogous!

    Now do the "backstabbing" in Congress or the "War" on Christmas.

    As for Google, "Trump bloodbath" returns 156 million hits.

    156,000,000 links in 5 days is because no one cares.

  6. unAnonymous9:04 PM

    Please be sure to let Biden know that obsessing over "bloodbath" will save his pathetically sinking campaign.

  7. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Joe Biden posted all 156 million of the "Trump bloodbath" weblinks?

    And they call him Sleepy.

    Google update: Two and a half hours later, it's now 191 million "Trump bloodbath" links.

  8. unAnonymous9:28 AM

    I'll see your 191 million for "Trump bloodbath", and raise you 192 million for "Trump investigation" and a whopping 494 million for "Trump trial".

    It would seem that these magical Google links have the opposite correlation to Trump's performance than what you would hope.

    What lesson can we take from all this?

    Despite your cringingly desperate hope that "bloodbath" search results are the key to turning Joe's disappearing fortunes around, no one cares.

    When you're grasping at illusory straws of hope, you're losing.

  9. Anonymous1:44 PM

    When you're grasping at illusory straws of hope, you're...

    ...insisting that "bloodbath" means Mexican cars?
