Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Orange man bad - year 10

TIPP Insights: "The Left's Lies Are Powering Trump's Lead - Voters do not buy the Left's and media's lies about Trump anymore."

I can't believe that 1) we're entering an entire decade of "worse than Hitler" hysteria and that 2) the Left still believes this is going to work.  Trump lost in 2020 because it was - as I like to say - a "turn the page" moment where a lot of Americans wanted less Trumpian drama and to forget about covid.  What they got in exchange for that bargain is a United States that is worse off in nearly every measurable way, except for the stock market (which is artificially boosted by inflation.)  

David Frum said (paraphrasing) that if you call everyone who wants to secure the border a "fascist" then Americans are going to hire the fascists.  Americans are getting wise to the damage being done and no surplus of Paul Krugman articles is going to convince them otherwise.


  1. Anonymous9:20 PM

    And yet, 20% of Republicans in the closed Florida GOP primary voted against their now unopposed nominee this week.

    The not-Trump vote was 27% in Maine (closed). 25% in Kansas (closed).

    Most of them will "come home," as voters always do.

    But some of them won't. And Mr. 46% can't afford to lose any.

  2. Anonymous9:22 PM

    And just for laughs:

    Victor David Hanson on the 2018 midterm elections:
    "A reckoning is near."

    Victor David Hanson's analysis in 2020:
    "The 2020 presidential election will split the Democratic Party in a way that the Republican Party has never."

    Victor David Hanson on the 2022 midterms:
    "There’s going to be a reckoning. It’s a grassroots populist revolution. We’re going to see it in the next midterms."

    This feller Hanson's common sense perspicacity is a bit fuzzy, I reckon.

  3. Anonymous5:09 PM

    What they got in exchange for that bargain is a United States that is worse off in nearly every measurable way, except for the stock market (which is artificially boosted by inflation.)

    Really? Artificially boosted to twice the peak of Donald Trump's stock market? The half-as-good number that Trump bragged and bragged and bragged bragged bragged about reaching?

    The U.S. stock market is currently returning twice the returns of other nations' stock markets, even though those countries have higher inflation than we do. So you might want to jiggle your Duh Jones "artificial boost" formula there.

    Or maybe you've been applying Trump's publicly stated estimate “I believe we have a cumulative inflation of over 50 percent.”

    Other minor details:

    No recession. None. Not for an hour.

    GDP growth under Biden is approximately the same as the growth under Obama, GW Bush, Clinton, Bush Sr. and Reagan.


    The U.S. economy, the strongest in the world, has expanded each year under Biden. Up 2.5% last year, defying expectations (especially Republican expectations).

    The highest oil production in history, higher than any country in history.

    14.8 Million jobs created in three years, more than double the new jobs during Trump's first three Covid-free years. It's also the most jobs under any president ever.

    Unfilled jobs outnumber the amount of people seeking jobs.

    Salary increases are outpacing inflation.

    The drop in inflation ("disinflation") is unmatched in modern history.

    Income inequality is shrinking.

    A revolution in green energy spending and investment. Necessary, and profitable.

    The highest household net worth in U.S. history. Household debt burden is at near-historic lows.

    Remember Trump bragging about his unemployment rate for blacks? Biden's is even better.

    Deficit projections are notably lower than they were when Biden took office.

    Obamacare enrollment is at its all-time high. Today we have the lowest number of uninsured Americans ever. Federal food assistance is down from the Trump years.

    Crime is sharply, dramatically down.

    "Nearly every measurable way" may be the name of your emotional support animal. But out here in reality...

  4. Anonymous5:28 PM

    A math correction to the above:
    Biden's stock market is at twice the value of January 20, 2017. It is not twice the peak number of Trump's term. But the peak numbers Trump bragged about were considerably lower than Biden's.

  5. unAnonymous8:31 PM

    The frantic number of comments by this guy that come forth in an avalanche responding to a post is a good indicator of the threat level in the post's topic.

    But the responses must be expressed. Otherwise all will be lost.

    Try to imagine the crushing responsibility coming down on this poor guy's shoulders to deftly debunk every threatening idea, for the salvation of the country.

  6. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Nothing deft about it. Just the punishing facts. 24 of them.

    Feel free to contradict the hard economic data above with anything beyond your own sore feelings.

    Speaking of feelings, the fourth consecutive red wave is surely coming...
