Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Will the last shoplifter in San Francisco turn out the lights?

Hot Air: "Of Course: Employees Say Shoplifting was Rampant at San Francisco Macys."' 


  1. Anonymous12:59 AM

    Theft at that particular San Francisco location must be why Macy's is closing 149 other locations.

    It wouldn't have anything at all to do with Macy's debt...
    or its stock price...
    which rose yesterday following the announcement of 150 closures...
    then fell today after closer examination...
    at the exact time that a proxy fight threatens to replace the Macy's board members...
    who just rejected a $6 billion takeover from the same group waging the proxy fight.

    In other words, it's all about the shoplifting.

    Other employees who work at the same San Francisco Macy's say that the company's claim of runaway crime is just the excuse to do what Macy's was going to do anyway. If true, that would make Macy's just the latest retail company to tell a "...because of the wild stealing!" story.

    The national "shoplifting crisis," as we now know (though some bend over backwards not to), has NOT skyrocketed. For years, it has barely twitched.

    Not even Hot Air believes its own hot air:
    "Even if the closure of this store had more to do with corporate problems at Macys and a general trend toward online shopping which has impacted all brick and mortar stores, it's still bad news for the city."

    Oh, look. As a city, San Francisco's 2023 shoplifting numbers were found to be 40% lower than the average of the 23 other major U.S. cities that were also measured. If one of those cities' big store franchise owners knows an opportunity when he sees it, he'll rush to relocate to the soon to be vacant, crime-light San Francisco address!

    Or keep ignoring everything and cling to the thoroughly discredited industry scare headlines. Never let go, Jack. Never let go.

  2. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Not surprised you an expert at theft, you've been stealing oxygen your entire life.

  3. Community Notes10:54 AM

    Readers added context they thought people might want to know

    Macy's has made no claim that shoplifting is the reason or even a factor in the closing of the retail location. Their representative did not respond to a question "about whether retail theft was a factor in the decision."

    The story is about a chorus of employees who are complaining about the massive shoplifting problem, with one worker stating that she sees "more than a dozen shoplifters each day."

    Another blamed the problem on "Mayor London Breed and Prop. 47, which made shoplifting less than $950 worth of property a misdemeanor," saying "I think there just needs to be leadership. The mayor just needs to say we won’t tolerate this in the city.”

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