Thursday, February 29, 2024

Biden goes to the border today

I'm just going to leave this here:


  1. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Like the House Republicans taking the bipartisan border bill and leaving it there?

    Biden at the border today:
    "If you put it on the floor unrestricted, it would pass. ...It's time for the Speaker and some of my Republicans friends in Congress who are blocking this bill to show a little spine. ...Let's remember who we work for, for God's sake."

    Oh, the GOP knows exactly who they work for.

  2. Community Notes8:50 PM

    Readers added context they thought people might want to know

    President Biden alluded to the fact that he and the Republicans work for the American people. The policies the American people would like to see passed, do not include allowing an average of 5,000 undocumenteds to enter the country each day, according to polls.

    Concern about illegal immigration has grown significantly during Biden's term, with a majority of Americans for the first time now supporting the building of a border wall. Additionally, 61% of Americans believe that immigrants seeking political asylum at the border should be made to stay in Mexico while their claims are processed, rather than being allowed into the U.S. while they wait.

    Only 47% of Americans have heard of the border bill President Biden thinks the country wants Republicans to pass, and him to sign. About half of the people familiar with the bill have no opinion of it, and there is more opposition than support for it among the rest.

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