Sunday, February 18, 2024

The media shifts into CYA mode

National Review: "The White House Press Corps Discovers the Biden Age Issue"
They can’t say they simply hadn’t noticed Biden’s yearslong decline. No, that’d make it look as if they are bad at their jobs. Imagine that: a White House reporter who hadn’t noticed until recently that the president of the United States has struggled for his entire presidency, and even before then, to express a coherent thought.

They can’t say they ignored the issue for political convenience. That would give the game away.

Aha! They can tell someone such as Byers, anonymously of course, that they’ve struggled to cover the issue that everyone else has noticed and asked about since even before 2020 because — wait for it — they are just too damn conscientious.
How convenient.  When the media's self-preservation is on the line, they suddenly discover an issue they should have covered all along if they weren't besotted with bias.  And - bonus! - they get to justify it by claiming they were "struggling" on how to report the topic because they didn't want to be mean.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:37 PM

    The new historians' Presidential Greatness survey came out this week. Dementia Joe Biden is ranked 14th.

    Not sure about that slot, but the man does have the most successful legislative record in 50 years, helped create the world's foremost booming economy after Covid, and did what Trump was afraid to do by ending the Alexander the Great experiment in Afganistan. Biden might have ranked even higher than that, if only he hadn't spent his presidency in hospice.

    On the other end of the survey, let's just say that Mr. 45 got scholarly confirmation of his number.

    Returning to the subject of struggling to express coherent thoughts...

    Yesterday in Michigan:
    "Go vote. November 27th. [long pause while he reads his teleprompter] So. Remember this. It is a date that is very important."

    The other day:
    "They want wind. But what happens if the wind doesn't blow?"

    Recent weeks:
    "We are an institute in a powerful death penalty. We will put this on."

    "They had an almost billion dollar cost over on the magnetic elevators. Think of it. Magnets. Now all I know about magnets is this. Give me a glass of water, let me drop it on the magnets. That’s the end of the magnets."

    "[Speaks in dumb voice] There shouldn’t be voter ID! Now you have voter ID to buy a loaf of bread. You have, you have ID to buy a loaf of bread. You have… everything, you have pictures."

    "We have to. We have to win in November, or we’re not gonna have PENNSYLVANIA! They’ll change the name. They’re gonna change the name of Pennsylvania."

    "All of that pollution comes over the seas and it comes right over our land over the seas and it comes right over our land. And then they want us to have clean. I said wait a minute, we we’re gonna be clean but it’s all flying. Just remember that. Does that make sense? In other words, it’s all coming through the currents through the air. It all comes. They can, they can name it, they can say exactly where it’s going to be and when."

    And a much-loved classic:
    “This is one of the wettest hurricanes we’ve ever seen from the standpoint of water.”
