Saturday, February 17, 2024

Biden broke the law. That's the headline.

Here's former federal prosecutor Elie Honig in NY Magazine: "The Real Biden Documents Scandal (It’s Not the Old-Man Stuff)"

Lots of good stuff but here's some key grafs:
Here’s the report’s biggest revelation: Biden held on to classified top-secret national-security documents after he left the vice-presidency, and he did it intentionally. This was no accident. Biden had those documents for this specific reason: He believed he had been right on American policy in Afghanistan (and that President Barack Obama had been wrong), and he wanted to paint himself as the visionary hero (and Obama as the heel) in the historical narrative. That’s why Biden shared some of their contents with his ghostwriter — though Hur acknowledges that Biden may have disclosed that classified information inadvertently, citing Biden’s “lapses in attention and vigilance.”

Here’s the single most important piece of evidence in Hur’s report: In a recording made by the ghostwriter in February 2017 — a month after Biden left the vice-presidency — Biden says he had “just found all the classified stuff downstairs.” That, folks, is the needle-scratch moment. Up until last week, the party line has essentially been, “Hey, classified documents are strewn all around the White House, a bunch of boxes got moved around, transition is chaotic, documents end up in various places; big mistake, whoops, sorry.” Now we know that’s untrue.
The part about Biden trying to prove that he finally got a foreign policy position right sounds exactly like something Dementia Joe would do.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:39 PM

    President Biden was cleared by special counsel Robert Hur. Hur's catty report shows that he would have pulled the trigger on Biden if he could have. He could not.

    Hur would have recommended prosecution if Biden had refused to return the documents to the National Archives when asked to do so, or if Biden showed classified documents to visitors, or if Biden had lied about having them, or if Biden had deleted security footage showing that he did have them, or if Biden had lied about declassifying them, or if Biden had deliberately moved their location from place to place to obstruct investigators from finding them.

    Biden didn't do any of those things. Because he's not a recklessly demented sociopath.
