Friday, February 16, 2024

The Left hates free speech, continued

Reason: "Progressives Are Ditching Free Speech To Fight 'Disinformation' - From limits on liability protections for websites to attempts to regulate the internet like a public utility, these proposals will erode Americans' right to express themselves." 


  1. Anonymous9:24 PM

    The Left hates free speech, continued and continued

    ***A new Republican bill in Idaho would allow parents to sue if a library fails to relocate a book the parents think is harmful. Testimony on the bill focused on child sex trafficking. Which usually happens in libraries.

    ***Republican candidate for Missouri Secretary of State puts out an ad where she's burning books with a flamethrower. “These books come from a Missouri public library,” she says. “When I am in office, they will burn.”

    ***In Florida, two Republican bills are likely to become law. They will create a "history of communism task force." It will require students as young as 5 to learn about “atrocities committed in foreign countries under the guidance of communism, the philosophy and lineages of communist thought, including cultural Marxism, and the increasing threat of communism in the US and our allies through the 20th century.” And then, cookies!

    ***Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is now backtracking on some of the far right legislation he promoted and signed into law. Or as a headline aptly put it, DeSantis Wants To Water Down Book Ban Now That He’s No Longer Running For President.
    After being hammered for his indiscriminate book bans, DeSantis is blaming "activists" for "playing games" and creating a "hoax" by challenging too many books. See, it's not the book ban he instituted, it was people abusing his restrictions on free speech.

  2. Anonymous9:31 PM

    Also shadow banned this week: about a half dozen prominent news stories that you've mysteriously failed to acknowledge.

    That's not a free speech violation. But it sure is a glaring giveaway.
