Thursday, February 15, 2024

Drillable hours

Ace has been absolutely all-over the Fani Willis story, so I have to throw this to him: ""Drillable Hours:" Some Thoughts on the Sweetick/Fani Gangbang of Lies - Update: The Judge Scolds Fani, Tells Her to Answer the Questions Posed With Fewer Histrionics Or He'll Strike Her Testimony."

There's one point here that just beggars belief: Willis would have us believe that she took lavish vacations and cruises with her paramour (who was getting fat stacks from Georgia taxpayers) and then she reimbursed him in cash.

Any evidence of withdrawals from the bank?  Nope.
Any evidence of deposits from these reimbursements?  Nope.

Fani said she took the cash her daddy told her to save for a rainy day from the stash in her home.  And then Nathan Wade would take that cash and add it to his big cash pile.  Sounds totally legit.


  1. Anonymous8:20 PM

    Trump's lawyers have yet to spell out what the disqualifying action would be, let alone prove that it occurred.

    The judge scolded the lawyers five times more than he scolded Willis, but that's not a story Ace cares to write about.

    Nice try, legal dream team. But unless Aaron Sorkin is scripting tomorrow's testimony, Fani Willis will stay on and will convict Donald Trump for his election interference.

  2. Anonymous11:23 AM

    Democrats have a history over filled with sexual relations with the help. The only surprise here is that people are surprised

  3. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Bible-thumping conservatives have a bad record of sexual relations with the children and the gays. The eternal damnation must get them hot and bothered.

    And Trump, who tried to fuck an entire state, will be convicted in Georgia for election interference.
