Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Let's play: "Guess the cities"

CNBC: "Target says it will close nine stores in major cities, citing violence and theft." 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Let's play: "Who didn't read the article?"

    *High-volume online sellers pay people to steal goods that they turn around and sell on websites. Guess which cities, and towns, and mud-caked gullies have the internet?

    *Target never mentioned organized theft in its earnings calls until one year ago.

    *Companies often close stores, or threaten closures, as a way of lobbying for favored legislation.

    *It's unclear what Target is doing to combat employee theft. 75% of retail stores say internal theft is more extensive and causes more shrinkage.

    *The National Retail Federation just released its latest National Retail Security Survey, which found minimal change to retail stores' bottom lines due to outside theft. In business terms, the current level is considered "normal and healthy."

    Beyond that, remember getting burned so badly after gulping down Walgreen's corporate lies about the purported reason for shutting San Francisco locations? The Walgreens CFO later repudiated his company's fake crisis, out loud, to a live audience. "Maybe we cried too much," he said.

    It's inspiring to see you dust yourself off, see another identical headline, and take another juicy, credulous bite.
