Monday, September 25, 2023

Another directional poll

Hot Air: "NBC poll, too: 59% of voters have "major concerns" about Biden's mental competency."  There's that and another new low in approval numbers:
Meanwhile, Biden’s job rating among registered voters stands at 41% approve and 56% disapprove — the highest disapproval rating of his presidency.

Deeper inside those numbers, Biden is underwater among voters between the ages of 18 and 34 (46% of them approve of his job performance), all women (46%), Latinos (43%) and independents (36%).

What’s more, the NBC News poll finds 37% of voters approve of Biden’s handling of the economy, and 41% approve of his handling of foreign policy.
Biden has been pushing "Bidenomics" for months now and his numbers on the economy keep going down.  Can he stick with this message when it obviously has no effect?  At this point, he's just insulting the intelligence of the American people with his proposition that they should be happy with $35 insulin.


  1. Anonymous11:45 PM

    Donald Trump goes on criminal trial on October 23, and goes on criminal trial again on March 25, and goes on criminal trial again on May 20. His fourth criminal trial has't been scheduled yet.

    Or is that too directional for you?

  2. Anonymous2:20 PM

    You do realize that in special election after special election after special election, Democratic margins of victory have surged while Republicans are being trounced, even in solidly red districts.

    Remember when that same thing also happened in 2022, the much-anticipated year of the "red wave"? That special election trend proved to be... directional.

  3. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Donald Trump goes on criminal trial on October 23, and goes on criminal trial again on March 25, and goes on criminal trial again on May 20. His fourth criminal trial has't been scheduled yet.

    Not included on the above criminal timetable: Donald Trump being convicted today of committing years of massive tax fraud. That was a civil lawsuit.

    The same goes for Trump being convicted of rape and defamation. And he is certain to be convicted a second time.
