Tuesday, August 01, 2023

The media circles the wagons

Wall Street Journal: "Devon Archer Throws a Curve - Joe Biden’s denials about Hunter and his laptop are now disproven." 
Altogether Mr. Biden declared “that is not true” or words to that effect eight times. He said seven times that Mr. Trump’s assertions were “discredited,” sometimes “totally discredited.” Near the end he added, “My son did nothing wrong at Burisma.”

Mr. Trump wouldn’t let it rest: Hunter “made a fortune in Ukraine, in China, in Moscow and various other places.” Mr. Biden again denied it: “That is simply not true.”

Mr. Biden counted on a compliant press to move on, and it largely did. But then the Bidens came up against Judge Maryellen Noreika. She confirmed with Hunter Biden himself that, contrary to his father’s assertions, he did receive a small fortune from Ukrainian and Chinese firms.
It sure did, helped along by those 50 former Intelligence officials who said the Hunter Biden laptop was a Russian plant.  Now the media is going to invent a new standard for Biden: "Media Invent New Biden Standard: ‘Proof’ And A ‘Smoking Gun’ Of Bribery Scheme Or It’s Not A Scandal At All."

I expected no less from the thoroughly-corrupt media.

“We know how important family is to the president,” added the Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson, the same week Joe recognized the existence of his four-year-old grandchild for the first time. “So, do you hang up on your son?”

These people think you’re a bunch of gullible nitwits.
Remember: the Bidens were selling just the illusion of access.  [throws smoke bomb]

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Ha ha ha ha...

    Don't feel ashamed. Be a proud ostrich.

    Tonight, Fox News has been doing "FAUCI KNEW."
