Monday, July 31, 2023

We've entered the Beau Biden stage of this scandal

Twitchy: "New spin: It was Beau Biden's death that led to those close conversations."

They're really going to try out their go-to maneuver of dragging Beau's corpse out.  Just shameless.


  1. Anonymous9:48 PM

    Hunter Benghazi
    Hunter Benghazi
    Hunter Benghazi
    Hunter Benghazi
    Hunter Benghazi
    Hunter Benghazi

    Say, how are those explosive Biden Crime Family hearings in the House going?

    Like the great recession, the shocking true facts behind the Hunter Biden conspiracy indictment will turn up aaannnny day now.

    On a related note, guess who just said that U.S. military aid to Ukraine should be conditionally stopped until "every scrap" of evidence against Joe Biden is turned over?

    (Hint: Think the charges for his first impeachment, but not the second.)

  2. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Tonight on Hannity!

    SEAN HANNITY: "Yes or no, do you believe that this is now officially the Joe Biden bribery allegation? And do you believe that you will be able to prove that? Jim Comer."

    REP. JAMES COMER: "I sure hope so."
