Tuesday, August 29, 2023

The hero in every story

Joe Biden is the bride at every wedding, the corpse at every funeral, and the hero we need: "Biden Lies Again, Says He ‘Literally’ Convinced Segregationist Strom Thurmond to Vote for Civil Rights Act."
Even among Biden’s innumerable lies, this one sets a new standard for mendacity, as every detail of it is false: the Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964, eight and a half years before Biden entered the Senate, Thurmond voted against it, and the segregationist senator didn’t die until nearly forty years later. Is it the dementia? Or is it just Joe being Joe? It’s increasingly hard to tell the difference.
Everything Joe touches is pure gold, even that great withdrawal from Afghanistan.  Huge success, c'mon man! 


  1. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Donald Trump says he's innocent every 3 minutes.

  2. Anonymous3:05 PM

    You've made a lot of make-a-wish Biden dementia disqualifier posts.

    You've made several more medically accurate Fetterman stroke disqualifier posts.

    But you're a little light on Mitch McConnell disqualifier posts. Zero is light, yes?

    Your Senate Minority Leader has been doing impressions of a frozen Windows spinning circle.

    Here's the latest disconcerting video of Mitch's cerebral paralysis. Ignore away!

