Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Everything's great!

Dementia Joe gave the same tired speech he gives twice a week about how "Bidenomics is working."  I'm surprised he still needs a teleprompter.

WSJ: "Americans Are Bailing on Their Home Insurance - Some homeowners who are skipping coverage say they can no longer afford rising premiums"

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:13 PM

    One Weird Trick for Winning the 2024 Election... awww, you've been clickbaited again.

    The long prayed for Tinkerbell recession is dying!

    Please clap.

    CNN: The US economy grew stronger than expected in the second quarter

    Yahoo Finance: Fed's Powell monitoring signs US economy 'may not be cooling as expected'

    Forbes: Bidenomics Is Great For Clean Energy Investors. Republicans Want To Change That.

    The Atlantic: How the Recession Doomers Got the U.S. Economy So Wrong
