Saturday, August 26, 2023

No-talent hack

Federalist: "Jon Stewart’s Real Legacy Is A Generation Of Smug, Lazy, Dishonest News Consumers"
This older, more tired Jon Stewart is like a sad tribute act to his younger self. He falls back on a trusted method to sell his political messaging: the gags, the mugging to the camera, the slick video montages, and the mild rebuke of adoring news media hosts before unloading on the nearest Republican he can blame the issue of the day on. It is a threadbare routine. 
I saw an interview Stewart did with Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen and even she seemed taken aback by his tendentious hackery, as she tried to explain why Walmart tries to make a profit for its shareholders while keeping prices low for Americans.  Stewart instead just wanted to focus on the crime of profit, as if he'd never tried to maximize his own profit margins.

Flashback - Let's not forget the Andrew Sullivan ambush: "The sad demise of Jon Stewart - This once agreeable, sceptical liberal has become a tiresome, hectoring woke scold." 

That's why nobody's watching

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    "Not the Bee" ... "No-talent hack." Back to back. Cough. Don't give the game away that fast.

    Dr. Eion Lenihan writes in The Federalist, "[Jon Stewart] used comedy as a replacement for intellectual rigor."

    This is someone who doesn't understand comedy, and who is not employing intellectual rigor.

    "And behind that cloak of comedy, there has always been a strong leftist partisanship."

    Whoa! Dr. Eion Lenihan really rips the veil off Jon Stewart's career here, in August 2023.

    Lenihan was a big fan of "The Daily Show" more than 20 years ago. Today, he investigates Antifa, tweets about the menace of Democratic ballot harvesting, and says that Donald Trump's mug shot means "they" have "awoken the beast."

    But it's Jon Stewart who has "increasingly" changed, and "become the establishment." Even though when Lenihan looks back, Stewart has also always been this bad.

    It may be time for Dr. Lenihan and his deep appreciation of what comedy is to turn to the fine satiric work being done nightly on Fox's Gutfeld!

    That way, he'll escape being caught up in "a generation of smug, lazy, dishonest news consumers."

    Or might it be that what Lenihan really resents that his comedy generation is so small and weak, while "their" comedy generation is so large and dominant?
