Sunday, August 27, 2023

A contradiction of American policy

Manhattan Contrarian: "The Bidens: "Stone Cold Crooked" - This Is Getting Ridiculous"
At this point this is getting ridiculous.  The firing of Shokin was not official U.S. policy at all (other than as dictated by Biden himself), and was in immediate response to a specific demand from Hunter’s paymasters at Burisma.

There has never been a U.S. President so obviously and thoroughly corrupt.  It is shameful. 
Don't worry: the mainstream media will be all over this 2025.  Just like before. 


  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Don't worry: the grievance media will keep trying to breathe life into this dumb debunked "scandal"... until the heat death of the universe.

    There has never been a U.S. President so obviously and thoroughly corrupt. It is shameful.

    I know of another one who just raised $7 million of moron money from his comical criminal mug shot.

    "Reluctance" has metastasized into deliberate self-blinding.

  2. Anonymous12:02 PM

    David Frum:
    "Trying to think of an analogy equal to the effrontery of Trump accusing a successor of crookedness - and drawing a blank. Maybe if John F. Kennedy had denounced Richard Nixon for marital infidelity?"

  3. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Labeling a democrat as crooked is repetitive discription that can be safely assumed. The same can be said for republicans.
