Sunday, June 04, 2023

Today's feel-good story

Politico: "Chuck Todd to leave ‘Meet the Press’."

Todd has been an awful host of what used to be a flagship Sunday morning news show.  His bias and bombast sullied the show's reputation for even-handed and stoic analysis.  He's been the host for nine years and he's easily spent eight of them talking - obsessively and relentlessly - about Trump.  Even this morning's show (which I was forced to watch because it was on at the gym), he spent maybe 20 seconds on the debt ceiling showdown and the rest of the time on a political event in Iowa that Trump didn't even attend.  Todd is a boring and predictable mouthpiece for the DNC and good riddance. 

Flashback, July 2022: "Ratings hit rock bottom for Chuck Todd's 'Meet the Press'."

Flashback, August 2022: "Chuck Todd faces boot as ‘Meet the Press’ host over low ratings: report." 


  1. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Your reaction reveals more about you than Chuck Todd. For years and years, the #1 criticism against Chuck Todd has been his addiction to "bothsidesism." It's his default setting.

    Chuck Todd does suck. (Happily, did suck.) But it ain't because Trump supporters think he's mean to Trump.

  2. Anonymous11:26 PM

    That’s an odd choice of flashback.
    Let’s flash back to your flashback.

    NY Post, August 2022:
    Longtime NBC personality Chuck Todd is reportedly on the chopping block at the network as top brass pursue a shakeup at his poorly rated Sunday show “Meet the Press.”

    It’s been a low-key pursuit. Todd will leave, later on, after more than a year of being “on the chopping block.”

    David Gelles, an ex-CNN staffer who recently took over as the new executive producer at “Meet the Press,” is considering whether to retain Todd as his “first order of business,” a report said on Tuesday.

    And after more than one year of consideration, Gelles can finally move on to his second order of business.

    Todd could be forced out despite recently signing a two-year contract extension at NBC.

    Or, he could last out the entire contract and then leave.

    Sources told the Daily Beast’s “Confider” newsletter that Todd has “baffled many at NBC with how long he’s remained atop the struggling show.”

    If sources were baffled then, sources must be completely disoriented now.

    “At what point does anyone have the balls to say ‘Maybe the problem is the face of it’?” an unnamed “Meet the Press” source told the Daily Beast.

    Only once Todd’s contract is up?

    The sources pointed to an incident in which comedian Trevor Noah mocked Todd while hosting the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, as a sign that he has fallen out of favor with the public.

    During the dinner, Noah poked fun at Todd by asking him, “How are you doing?” before dropping the punch line.

    “I’d ask a follow-up, but I know you don’t know what those are,” Noah quipped.

    See, Trevor Noah’s joke about Chuck Todd’s failure to hold conservatives’ feet to the fire, letting them off the hook time and again, was funny because Todd is so “biased and obsessive and relentless” against those same conservatives.
