Monday, June 05, 2023


Fox News: "Robert Hanssen, ex-FBI agent who spied for Soviet Union, Russia, found dead in prison cell."

You know, back in high school I read "The Falcon and the Snowman" which was made into a movie starring Timothy Hutton and Sean Penn, about a guy who stole national secrets and passed them on to the (then) Soviet Union.  Hutton played the real life Christopher Boyce who - at least according to the book and movie - was motivated by ideological reasons.  

I mention this not to excuse Boyce but there's at least something understandable in his motives.  Hanssen (and future member of Hell Aldrich Ames) betrayed their country for nothing more than money.  They both got their 30 pieces of silver and now they'll be remembered for the treasonous bastards they are and were.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Hanssen's and Ames' mistake was in not declassifying their stolen documents with their mind.
