Thursday, May 11, 2023

The open Southern border

Paper of Record: "Mayorkas Heads To Border To Fire Starter Pistol When Title 42 Expires."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    All quotes from this website, 2020:

    "You can believe whomever you choose in the alleged sexual-misconduct cases of Joe Biden and Brett Kavanaugh, but you can’t revise history to erase your partisan double standards."

    "Payback time:'Democrats Are Reaping The ‘Whirlwind’ Kavanaugh Warned About'"

    "Conservatives Need to Talk about Tara Reade Precisely because Truth Matters."

    "That's what makes it so much fun, all the squirming and equivocating."

    "The Media Finally Figures Out How To (Safely) Dismiss Tara Reade."

    "Search for Tara Reade complaint threatens to backfire on Biden"

    "Meanwhile, Megan Kelly has an interview with Tara Reade, who says she's willing to testify under oath."

    "On Biden and Reade, The New York Times Renders Itself Beyond Parody."

    Partisan double standards?
    Because truth matters?
    Squirming and equivocating?
    How to (safely) dismiss?
    Willing to testify under oath?
    Beyond parody?

    BREAKING NEWS: It's been a couple of days since the leader of your party became an officially guilty sex criminal.

    Maybe you didn't hear your side laughing with delight about the sexual assault last night on CNN?
