Wednesday, May 10, 2023

He repeated the lie today

There is zero percent chance Dementia Joe will stop repeating his lies because the mainstream media has zero percent interest in correcting him: "Biden Lies about Reducing the National Debt, Everyone Yawns."
Biden has been called out for this repeatedly, and he just keeps saying it. This doesn’t make fact-checking worthless, but it does raise the question of how much the verdicts of the fact-checkers matter. Clearly, being called out by fact-checkers isn’t going to change Biden’s boasts, nor is it going to get the White House staffers to tell Biden to stop making those boasts. Biden gets called out for these boasts very, very rarely.
It helps if you avoid non-MSNBC journalists who might ask uncomfortable questions.

For the record, Joey repeated the ridiculous 8% tax rate for billionaires lie also today.  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:38 PM

    ^ posted 2 minutes after the Trump Town Hall
