Monday, May 01, 2023

Liar in chief

A couple days ago, the Washington Post fact checker gave Dementia Joe a "bottomless Pinocchio" for claiming - repeatedly - that he reduced the deficit by $1.7 trillion.  So Joe Biden cleaned up his stock speech to remove this false claim.

Just kidding:
Unlike the last guy, my first two years, we cut the deficit 1.7 billion dollars — trillion — trillion — trillion dollars — (applause) — not billion, trillion dollars — in less than two years. 
He also repeated the lie about billionaires paying an 8% tax rate.  In Dementia Joe's defense, he's just reading whatever is on his teleprompter.  

1 comment:

  1. George Santos9:09 PM

    Why can't President Biden be truthful? Why does he repeat lies? Why doesn't he incessantly talk instead about the woke mind virus, and schools sexually grooming children, and blue cities hitting all-time crime rates, and that it's not true Republicans want to cut Social Security, and how teaching about America's racial past is radical indoctrination, and the persecution of January 6 "tourists" and "patriots," and trickle-down tax cuts, and stolen elections, and and and?
