Sunday, April 30, 2023

Yeah, it's a mystery, NPR

NPR: "More people are getting away with murder. Unsolved killings reach a record high."

Word search hit on "defund" = zero.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:04 PM

    "Despite ongoing national debate about the impact of policing reforms and budgeting following the wave of national activism after the murder of George Floyd, police funding has increased in cities across the United States.

    Of 100 city and county budgets analyzed, 83 percent increased spending on police in 2022 compared to 2019.

    Police budget data shows that police funding increased in many of the cities “frequently cited” as having faced crime waves due to defunding local police, including Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston and San Francisco, where collectively police budgets increased in the hundreds of millions.

    In Los Angeles, County Sheriff Alex Villanueva has complained about the “cannibal[ization]” of his budget and the consequences of defunding, but county records show his agency’s budget has increased by more than $259 million since 2019. Los Angeles County’s 2023 budget is slated to increase that budget by another $250 million."
