Thursday, April 27, 2023

Well, it's KJP, so

Red State: "White House Responds to 'Cheat Sheet' Controversy With Laughable Gaslighting." 

Extra - National Review: "Biden’s Journalist Cheat Sheet: The New Collusion Scandal"  It seems like the media has warmed to the idea of advancing questions to Presidents.  "This revelation led some political observers to wonder whether the White House had been soliciting reporters’ questions ahead of time to prepare the president’s response, which, of course, they had. Indeed, this presidency has been soliciting reporters’ questions from its outset."

More - Spectator: "Biden’s pre-written questions present a crisis of confidence." - "This should be a legitimate scandal for this White House, as they try to push an eighty-year-old president onto the country for a second term while it appears he cannot answer questions without a cue card." 

As Instapundit often notes, the media is just Democratic Party operatives with bylines. 


  1. Anonymous12:14 AM

    New York Post, Feb. 21, 2018:
    Read Trump’s notes for meeting with school shooting survivors

    President Trump’s crib notes for his listening session on school shootings included the suggested phrase “I hear you.”

    Apparently that's what a strong, sharp president looked like on Feb. 21, 2018. On that day, your only concern was about sports ratings going down due to "wokeness."


    USA Today, May 13, 2019:
    Here are all the times Trump's notes and letters have been photographed

    Example after example after example. Fighting "Alcaida." Denying "colusion." Dismissing Democratic "Achomlishments."

    Trump brandished his "secret deal with Mexico" that was instantly photographed by the press.

    Trump actually needed this crib note after North Korea launched a missile: "WILL TAKE CARE OF IT."

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    On the other hand, here's your preferred 47th president operating without cue cards:

    "Supposing you brought the light inside the body, where it knocks Covid out in a minute, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. There were very fine people on both sides. I will tell you that President Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. Nobody knows more about technology than me. I'm the least racist person in this room. We were getting ready to win this election, and frankly, we did win this election."
