Wednesday, April 26, 2023

We don't have a President

We have an ancient and compromised old man who can only read off teleprompters and cheat sheets.

I wasn't going to mention this (again) but Biden gave a speech yesterday that was word-for-word indistinguishable from the same speech he's given maybe fifty times before.  He lies over and over again to the point that the Washington Post has given Dementia Joe a "bottomless Pinocchio" for claims that have been repeatedly debunked.  Joey doesn't care.  He's just going to keep on lying.

Does he even know he's lying?  It's a fair question.  Because it's become obvious that Joe just reads whatever is put in front of him on a teleprompter.  And now today the news is that Dementia Joe had a cheat sheet with the exact question that would be asked of him in advance: "Biden caught with crib notes detailing reporter's question prior to calling on her during press conference."
President Biden is no stranger to detailed cheat sheets when speaking to the press, but the president's team seems to have taken things up a notch after he revealed a pre-written question from a reporter during Wednesday's press conference.
Joe Biden can't handle an unscripted press conference, he can't do an interview, he needs extremely detailed instructions to perform the most basic functions.

We don't have a President.  We have a puppet.  Put "go f--- yourself San Diego" on his giant teleprompter and he'll read it out.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:18 PM

    Biden gave a speech yesterday that was word-for-word indistinguishable from the same speech he's given maybe fifty times before.

    He lies over and over again to the point that the Washington Post has given Dementia Joe a "bottomless Pinocchio" for claims that have been repeatedly debunked.

    Joey doesn't care. He's just going to keep on lying.

    Does he even know he's lying? It's a fair question.

    Because it's become obvious that Joe just reads whatever is put in front of him on a teleprompter.

    Your heartfelt and high-principled words are noted, future Trump '24 voter.

    Irony is deader than Kevin McCarthy's budget bill.
