Saturday, April 22, 2023

The Left and Right agree

Bloomberg: "Biden Needs to Negotiate on the Debt Ceiling - Yes, Republicans are acting cynically. But sometimes leadership demands compromises."

Washington Monthly: "Biden Should Start Budget Talks Now - McCarthy has a weak hand when it comes to the debt ceiling, so there’s no reason to keep giving the speaker the cold shoulder."

Before covid, federal spending in 2019 was $3.5 trillion.  In 2020 it was $5.6 trillion while incurring a $3 trillion deficit.  Covid is over.  What is the reason to maintain these elevated spending and deficit levels?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Biden needs to negotiate on the debt ceiling the way Dominion needed to negotiate with Fox News on the defamation suit.

    No previous debt ceiling shutdown has been kind to Republicans. For this latest faceoff, it's widely reported that Speaker McCarthy doesn't have the votes. His bill may die in the House before the Senate can kill it.

    The President should dismantle his wealth of domestic achievements, to save Kevin McCarthy's weak hand ass? Not even Joe Biden is that senile.
