Saturday, April 22, 2023

Back from Huntsville, Alabama

Hello, scattered readers.  I'm back from a business trip to Huntsville which is the most Defense-dense town I've ever seen.  Most airport advertisements are for McDonalds or Apple; every ad in the terminal was for companies like Raytheon and Northrop Grumman.  

Anyway - catching up - I want to address the Fox News/Dominion mess and this is based mostly on a podcast I heard the other day.  I spend a lot of time pointing out the one-sided bias of the news media often saying "these mistakes only go in one direction."  Well, this clearly went the other way.

The main thing I learned is that Fox's main crime was giving oxygen to a story that they didn't believe by hosting Trump representatives.  They did it for "clicks and likes" as the kids say.  It was wrong and they paid a pretty penny (although CNN called it "chump change" if I remember correctly).

Sure they could have fought it out by using the "whoopsie!" defense but Murdoch's insurance company probably forced this to an early end. 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I spend a lot of time pointing out the one-sided bias of the news media often saying "these mistakes only go in one direction." Well, this clearly went the other way.

    You spend a lot of time being wrong. This lie was not the unique exception that casts an unfortunate shadow upon the professional honesty of Fox News. Rightwing media has a lot, lot more to answer for than Dominion.
