Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Men of action

Red State: "Incredible Body-Cam Footage of Nashville Shooting Destroys the Uvalde PD and Its Left-Wing Apologists." 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:41 PM

    ....Destroys the Uvalde PD and Its Left-Wing Apologists.

    MSNBC: It's time to talk about criminal charges for Uvalde police

    Daily Kos: Letting kids bleed out, because something, something in Uvalde.

    Vox: The Uvalde police keep changing their story

    New York Times: No Radio, Old Tactics: How the Police Response in Uvalde Broke Down

    Raw Story: In total, 376 law enforcement officers — a force larger than the garrison that defended the Alamo — descended upon the school in a chaotic, uncoordinated scene that lasted for more than an hour.

    The Atlantic: Uvalde Police Choose Dishonor

    Stop reading stupid thoughts from stupid writers for stupid websites. It's turning you stupider.
