Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Dementia Joe: I like ice cream

"Also some kids got shot."  Ace: "Biden's Dementia Is Accelerating."

Here's the transcript of Joey's rambling commentary about ice cream before he looked up at the teleprompter and thought "Oh, yeah, the shooting."  I know exactly what happened here: Joey came down to address a women's conference and he had his whole schtick ready to go: "I'm Jill Biden's husband," "I'm here for the ice cream - you think I'm kidding," "look at those kids!."  The shooting in Tennessee was a distraction for him.

Extra - Red State: "Joe Biden Either Has Dementia or He's a Sociopath."  Why not both?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Did someone say rambling dementia?

    Check out Donald Trump's "explanation" of how his threatening baseball bat photo ended up next to the photo of Alvin Bragg in his repulsive Truth Social post. He's as baffled as America is!

    TRUMP: You have to understand that when the story was put up, I put up a story, we didn't see pictures. We put a story that was very exculpatory, very good story from the standpoint of what we're talking about. And they put up a picture of me.

    And, you know, where I was holding the bat? It was at the White House, make America, buy America, because I did a lot of buy America things. And this was a company that makes baseball bats.

    Then they put next to that picture a picture of Alvin Bragg.

    I didn't do it. They did it. The, I guess the people that do the paper, or somebody put pictures together, but I was holding a baseball bat in order to promote made in America.

    HANNITY: It wasn't on your post at Truth Social?

    TRUMP: No. What they did is we posted the story, but they had a picture up and then they put a picture up, or the picture was put up that nobody noticed or saw, or that nobody thought was bad. These were two separate pictures.

    I was promoting made in America. You make these baseball bats instead of sending over to Japan and China and all other places where they're made. This was a company, a good company that makes baseball bats and other things like that in America.

    They took that picture from the White House, and they put it up and then they put a picture of Alvin Bragg up. I will say this with death and destruction, I didn't say death and destruction. I said I'm afraid.

    HANNITY: The possibility, yeah.

    TRUMP: I said I'm afraid that if they do this, which is a fake prosecution, where my worse enemies say that he's totally innocent. I mean, I can't believe, people that have never been positive to me or defended me, that don't like me, they're in the other side of the world. These are people that said, you can't do this prosecution. It will cause tremendous problems.

    I didn't say do something bad. I say I'm afraid that people will do something because people are very angry about it.

    HANNITY: But let me be clear, so you did not post the picture of you with a baseball bat in the Oval Office next to the picture with Bragg. Somebody else did that?

    TRUMP: I posted a very positive article...

    HANNITY: Yeah.

    TRUMP: ...and whatever picture they put up, they put up, my people didn't put up the picture. I think the picture maybe was either in the article or was put in the article later. But again, that was a baseball bat to promote "made in America", companies making America. Don't go to Japan to buy.

    HANNITY: But you know how it was interpreted.

    TRUMP: Well, because that's the fake news media, Sean.

    HANNITY: Yeah.

    TRUMP: That's what they do.

    HANNITY: All right.

    Take off the insincere blinders, and concede you don't exactly have Benjamin Disraeli or Cicero speaking on your behalf.
