Friday, February 10, 2023


NY Post: "NYC shoplifting hit record highs last year: ‘We can’t stop them’."

I think it was somebody commenting on the border crisis who said "if you call everyone who wants to stop the flow of illegals 'racist,' - guess what - people are going to hire the racists to fix the problem."  Since the police and security are powerless to stop theft, either shopkeepers are going to start shooting or we're just going to order everything shipped to Amazon lockers.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Gee, something about this rings a bell.

    Remember when hordes of shoplifters were routinely terrorizing San Francisco?

    The same New York Post loved cranking out headlines like:
    Mobs of looters are grabbing goods in California thanks to downgraded shoplifting laws
    How looting in San Francisco turned the city into a ghost town
    Walgreens closes five more San Francisco locations due to theft

    Well, there's been a funny little postscript to that crime coverage hysteria...

    San Francisco Chronicle:
    Walgreens exec admits it may have overblown threat of retail theft

    Walgreens greatly exaggerated its shoplifting numbers in California.

    And Walgreens lied about why it was closing five stores.

    Walgreens has also settled a wage theft class action suit by its victimized California employees for $4.5 million.

    That was a much much much bigger organized smash-and-grab attack than the one that had the New York Post's impartial journalists repeatedly wetting their panties.

    Walgreens Employees in California Secure $4.5 Million Wage Deal

    Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting:
    Shoplifting Is Big News; Stealing Millions From Workers Is Not

    The Guardian:
    Want to be a criminal in America? Stealing billions is your best bet to go scot-free
