Thursday, February 09, 2023

Unclear on the concept: NY Times edition

Reason: "The New York Times Warns That Freedom of Speech 'Threatens Public Health' and 'Democracy Itself'.  Key graf: "There is no denying that when people are free to express their opinions, no matter how misguided, ill-informed, or hateful, some of them will say things that are misleading, demonstrably false, or divisive. The First Amendment nevertheless guarantees their right to say those things, based on the premise that the dangers posed by unfettered speech are preferable to the dangers posed by government attempts to regulate speech in what it perceives as the public interest." 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:36 PM

    On the subject of constitutional freedoms and a lack of clarity on the concept:

    Washington Post:
    DeSantis wanted to ban guns at event, but not be blamed, emails show

    The campaign suggested that the city take responsibility for the firearms ban, the official said — not the governor, who has been a vocal supporter of gun rights.

    “DeSantis/his campaign will not tell their attendees they are not permitted to carry because of the political optics,” Chase Finch, the convention center’s safety and security manager, said in an Oct. 28 email to other city officials about the request, which was conveyed by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, a state police agency led by a DeSantis appointee.

    Finch further explained that because of “Republicans largely being in support of 2A,” referring to the Second Amendment, “Basically it sounds like they want us to say it’s our policy to disallow firearms within the event space if anyone asks.”

    Tampa Convention Center officials ultimately rejected the request from the DeSantis campaign to ban weapons. State law allows concealed firearms to be brought inside the public facility unless the renter insists on a gun-free event.

    The article includes screen grabs of the emails.

    Watching Scott Walker Junior's national aspirations fall apart is going to be a treat.
