Sunday, February 12, 2023

When CRT replaces the three Rs

Legal Insurrection: "Baltimore: 23 Schools Have Zero Students Who Can Do Math at Grade Level."

If you factor in schools where one or two students passed, that number of failing schools doubles.

For those of you from Baltimore, that means 46.


  1. Anonymous2:59 PM

    A Florida school district has just removed the biography "Roberto Clemente: The Pride of the Pittsburgh Pirates."

    Further investigation will determine whether the children's book is CRT dangerous.

    The three R's: Republicans Rewriting Racism

  2. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Citation, please.

  3. Anonymous10:22 PM

    Hmmmmph, didn't think so.

    Well, wouldn't matter if he did anyway, since the latest leftist trope is "objective facts are racist."

  4. Anonymous11:13 AM

    You get highly educated intentionally stupid and indignant people that can not read, can not write and can not do math. Public funded education has not been about educating people since the seventies. CRT is just another lock for the door to be used to insulate the uncivil and immoral away from the civil and moral society we still deserve. The 4th R not being taught is the benefit of a republic that once protected the individual from tyranny.
