Saturday, February 11, 2023

Sign of the times

Straight from Los Angeles: "Sherman Oaks restaurant stops accepting cash after 7 break-ins."  One robbery every month of operation.  


  1. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Ooh, powerful pivot from the San Francisco Walgreens bullcrap that had conservatives cooing with pleasure.

    The shocking numbers were being debunked in real time, well before a top Walgreens executive admitted to the corporate lies. But conservatives were having none of those reports.

    As long as we're psychoanalyzing the clear-eyed realists on the right...

    Who wants to revisit the much-touted "exodus" from New York City, as fed-up residents flee in large waves to states with lower regulation and taxes?

    Wanna guess how that yummy conservative news binky has turned out?

  2. Anonymous10:02 AM

    I’d love to read the article but I won’t jump thru all the hoops to be access it. First there are the terms of usage you are suppose to read and accept. Then you get to the site that has ads bigger than the portion of the text between them. And if you try scrolling down to read the next sentence, a video player starts running in a smaller window that hovers over the page. CBS has become a total pile of garbage. I’m done with them and similar sites. And the ads in the side columns and below the “news articles” are 99% for junk medical cures that are snake oil at best and mainly a way to separate people from their money without curing a thing.

  3. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Try accessing that site via the Pale Moon browser; I was able to read it without any problem. But why bother? It's just a straight news story that Eric accurately summarized.

    Our anonymous friend at the top of this comment section, however, is, as usual, talking through his hat without any citations but plenty of ad hominem attacks on conservatives.

    At least he gets the 'clear-eyed realist' part right.
