Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Oh isn't that nice of them?

Wall Street Journal: "Justice Department Considered but Rejected Role in Biden Documents Search - Officials opted for hands-off approach to leave special counsel’s probe uncompromised"
The Justice Department considered having FBI agents monitor a search by President Biden’s lawyers for classified documents at his homes but decided against it, both to avoid complicating later stages of the investigation and because Mr. Biden’s attorneys had quickly turned over a first batch and were cooperating, according to people familiar with the matter.

After Mr. Biden’s lawyers discovered documents marked as classified dating from his term as vice president at an office he used at a Washington-based think tank on Nov. 2, the Justice Department opened an inquiry into why and how they got there. Mr. Biden’s legal team prepared to search his other properties for any similar documents, and discussed with the Justice Department the prospect of having FBI agents present while Mr. Biden’s lawyers conducted the additional searches.
A White House correspondent today, suddenly discovering journalism, asked KJP why White House lawyers contacted the West Wing upon discovering classified documents instead of the Department of Justice.  Of course, she didn't answer.


  1. Anonymous10:38 PM

    Yes, it's mind-blowing how it works when you quickly notify the DoJ, hand over each item, and cooperate.

    No string of stupider and stupider alibis. No blaming the investigators for planting documents. No using imaginary brain beams to retroactively declassify the hard evidence.

    Gonna be hilarious to watch the belatedly distressed shriek when these two identical cases play out very non-identically.

  2. Anonymous5:37 PM

    The end is near. Joe Biden is cracking under the pressure of his crimes.

    "These were just ordinary, inexpensive folders with various words printed on them, but they were a "cool" keepsake. Perhaps the Gestapo took some of these empty folders when they raided Mar-a-Lago, & counted them as a document, which they are not. It's also possible that the Trump Hating Marxist Thugs in charge will "plant" documents while they're in possession of the material. As President, and based on the Presidential Records Act & Socks Case, I did NOTHING WRONG. JOE DID!"

    Gonna be hilarious to watch the belatedly distressed shriek when these two identical cases play out very non-identically.
