Monday, January 16, 2023

Chuck Todd is the worst

Hot Air: "Chuck Todd isn't even trying to look like a journalist anymore." 

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:19 PM

    Actual text from that Hot Air laxative:

    Did you hear about Ivanka and Jared? Let me tell you….Emoluments or something. 1
    Because the media are shills for the Democrats. Unapologetically so. It is good business for them to be. If you are a Republican it is open season; if you are a Democrat you get infinite amounts of covering fire.
    Everybody plays the hypocrite at some point because we tend to protect our priors, even when they are demonstrably wrong. We try to avoid it, but hypocrisy is very human. Usually, though, we try to either hide it or, if we are honest, avoid it as much as possible.

    So what stands out to me is the complete arrogance, shamelessness, and even superciliousness with which it is done.

    1 "Emoluments or something" = $1.1 billion bailout of 666 Fifth Avenue building, and $2 billion in Saudi money
